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How To Put A Link In A YouTube Video

Placing links into Youtube videos will surely help in gaining more traffic to the video, channel and other external links like Facebook Page, Blog and website as well.

There are ways on how to do this but for now i will show you on how to use annotations to put your link on Youtube videos.

Here's the easy steps in putting your link in your Youtube video:

1.Login to your youtube account.

2. Go to Video Manager

3. Choose your video then click Edit > Annotations

4. Click Annotation then choose what type of annotaion you want to place on your video. I Choose Speech Bubble

5. Add text and the li nk bu using the text box beside your video preview. You can also modify if where and when the annotation will appear.

6. Lastly Click Save and Publish

Here's a Sample of Youtube Video with a link placed on it..

On my next blogpost i will teach you on how to put clickable links on youtube.

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